Interesting facts about India India trivia - read what this country is famous for, why not eat with your left hand and what you can buy with a 0 rupee note. 1. The capital of India since August 15, 1947 is 22 million inhabitants (the entire agglomeration) New Delhi. Until that day, India was subject to Great Britain, and the capital was in Calcutta. However, Mumbai is the largest Indian city. 2. According to data for 2017, the country has 1,326,572,000 people. Such a result places this country in second place in terms of population and is second only to the Chinese. 368 people live on one square meter in India. 3. In terms of area, the country is ten times larger than Poland. 4. The mainstream religion is Hinduism professed by nearly 78% of the population. 5. The Indian flag called Tiranga consists of three horizontal stripes: saffron, white and green. In turn, they symbolize courage and sacrifice; truth and peace; religiosity, fertility and chivalry. There is also a ...
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