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Vitamin-C [ You don't have to eat vitamin C when you're not eating]

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First of all, before I talk about taking vitamin C, I want to say that vitamin C is not a vitamin. Many people treat vitamin-C just like vitamins, so they limit it to 60 mg. But the creation of man himself at the time of creation is the clear evidence of Noah's Flood. We must approach in faith.

As mentioned earlier, vitamin-C can be biosynthesized in most animals, except for primates, including humans, and experimental animals called guinea pigs. To determine the needs of humans that are not biosynthetic, it may be indirect to know how much daily synthesis is possible in biosynthesized animals. Investigation of the body's biosynthesis in many animals has shown that it converts from as little as 5g to as high as about 20g per day when weighed at 70kg. Although this amount cannot be applied to human vitamin-C doses, it is inconclusive when determining human doses, admitting that many biological phenomena are similar.

Should not be. You don't have to eat vitamin C when you're not eating. Because fasting itself has the same effect as vitamin-C. The same is true for snacks. Snacks are also food. If food enters, vitamin-C must be included. If you have five meals, you should eat five times. If you eat six meals, you should eat six times. Even if you ate ramen before bedtime, you should eat vitamin-C together. That's why there's no fixed amount of vitamin C in a day.

Wait here!

When you take vitamin-C, you get these symptoms, which are never a side effect.

1. There is a thin stool. -No matter how good your stomach, your stools will be thin for about a week.

2. Have diarrhea. -This is a temporary phenomenon caused by changes in the normal microflora in the colon. At this time, if you take a few days from half of the first dose, diarrhea stops for 3-4 days at most, and the stools become slightly dilute and return to normal after about a week.

3. I feel sore. -A person who is ill while taking vitamin C with or immediately after a meal means that the gastrointestinal tract is in a pathological condition. That means either gastritis or gastric ulcer. Because you have a lesion, vitamin-C (ascorbic acid), a kind of acid, is sore inside. These people should take vitamin C even more, but if they endure for three to four days or a week with vitamin C in mind when drinking it, it will be much less. You can treat gastritis or stomach ulcers.

4. The fart comes out. -Because the war in the boss.

In other words, because good bacteria are in the process of replacing harmful bacteria, gas is temporarily generated in the meantime. It varies somewhat from person to person, but after a bit more time, the bad smell disappears, and even gas returns to normal.


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