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India trivia

Interesting facts about India
India trivia - read what this country is famous for, why not eat with your left hand and what you can buy with a 0 rupee note.

1. The capital of India since August 15, 1947 is 22 million inhabitants (the entire agglomeration) New Delhi. Until that day, India was subject to Great Britain, and the capital was in Calcutta. However, Mumbai is the largest Indian city.

2. According to data for 2017, the country has 1,326,572,000 people. Such a result places this country in second place in terms of population and is second only to the Chinese. 368 people live on one square meter in India.

3. In terms of area, the country is ten times larger than Poland.

4. The mainstream religion is Hinduism professed by nearly 78% of the population.

5. The Indian flag called Tiranga consists of three horizontal stripes: saffron, white and green. In turn, they symbolize courage and sacrifice; truth and peace; religiosity, fertility and chivalry. There is also a second interpretation in which the saffron color symbolizes Hinduism, while the green symbolizes Islam - these are the two most popular religions of the region. In this sense, whiteness is reconciliation and symbolizes peace between two feuding religions. In the central part of the flag there is a form of the Buddhist Dharma Wheel, it is nothing but a wheel of justice and law. The flag has been functioning as the official symbol of this country since July 22, 1947.

Everything about India

1. Many people in India do not use cutlery to consume a meal, they eat practically everything by hand. There is one more relationship, the meal will be eaten with the right hand. The left one is considered unclean because it is used instead of toilet paper (this habit is definitely not recommended). The left hand should not touch another person.

2. Feet are also considered unclean. So it will be a big tact to accidentally step on someone with your foot, or also to walk over a lying person. When sitting, be careful not to stretch your feet toward the other person.

3. In the northern part of the country it may be wrong to receive throwing stone down. This is due to the fact that this behavior can trigger an avalanche.

4. The culture in this country prohibits giving a negative answer, even if you ask for directions and someone will not be able to help, show you any direction. After all, no reply would be a big tact.

5. Hindus are friendly people, but tourists should be vigilant as in every country. In India and Nepal there is a popular scam for powdered milk. A small child approaches the tourists and starts the conversation informing about the sick sister and the unemployed parents. The child does not want money, only milk from a nearby store. Stretched tourist, convinced that he is going to do the right thing, buys this milk, but he is not aware that its price is practically 10-30 times higher. After the purchase, the child returns the milk to the seller and shares it with the money.

6. Parsians living in India still leave the corpses of their dead relatives to be eaten by vultures on the so-called towers of silence, i.e. round hills built of brick or stone. This practice is recognized as the "last act of mercy."

7. The holy animal is a cow, which you can often meet walking on the street.

8. Over a million inhabitants of this country have accumulated more than a million dollars. Unfortunately, most Indians must survive on less than two dollars a day.

9. The country has the most post offices around the world - over 150,000 branches.

10. The equivalent of Hollywood in India is Bollywood. Most of the productions are musicals.

11. The calendar in this country has six seasons - spring, summer, monsoon, autumn, winter and daybreak.

12. It is illegal for tourists to take the Indian Rupee outside of India.

13. Studies have shown that inhaling the air in Mumbai for one day equals 100 cigarettes burned.

14. The largest family in the world lives in India, the head of the family is a man with 39 wives and 94 children.

15. Policemen in Madhya Pradesh receive a small salary increase for having a mustache.

16 . India has more cell phones than toilets.

17 . Children's Day celebrated in India is celebrated on November 14. - nine months after Valentine's Day.

18 . In West Bengal, cows must have a photo ID.

19 . Every hour one woman dies in India due to dowry crimes.

20 . Nearly 70% of all spices in the world come from India.

21 . Selling, owning or using sex toys is prohibited in this country.

22 . On average, for one person to buy a Big Mac, it must work about 6 hours.

23 . In more than half of Indian homes there is no toilet.

24 . The Indian airline only employs women to work, they are lighter than men and this saves half a million dollars on fuel.

25 . Gleevec - a cancer drug - in the United States, annual therapy with this drug costs $ 70,000, in India just $ 2,500. This is due to the fact that this medicine cannot be patented in India.

26 . Mithilesh Kumar Srivastava is a "clever" seller who managed to "sell" the Taj Mahal, the Indian Parliament and many other cultural heritage objects. He was sentenced to 113 years in prison, he managed to escape 9 times.

27 . Only one in 100 marriages in India ends in divorce, the lowest rate among all countries in the world.

28 . 13 of the 20 most polluted cities in the world are located in India.

29 . There are 2.5 million rupee notes in circulation. Angry citizens pay these "banknotes" to officials who demand bribes in exchange for services that should not be paid.

30 . The national animal of India is the Bengal tiger.

31 . On July 11, 2016, nearly 50 million trees were planted in India. This result was entered in the Guinness Book of Records.

32 . Nine people - that is how many die on trains in Mumbai every day.

33 . There are more Indian restaurants in London than in Mumbai or Delhi.

34 . To this day, in some villages, newborn babies are dropped from the top of the building so that adults on the street catch them - according to their beliefs, this practice is to bring the child health for life.

35 . In 2016, the driver of a local bus was killed by a meteorite, it was the first such case in the world.

36 . In India and Colombia, employees can count on 18 days off (due to holidays). These two countries have the most holidays, including all countries.

37 . The world-famous Taj Mahal Temple was built for 22 years. About 22,000 workers took part in the work.

38 . In Delhi, a law was introduced prohibiting the use of plastic bags. Its breaking is punishable by a fine and up to 5 years imprisonment.

39 . The ashes of one of the Beatles band members - George Harrison - are found in India. The musician was a long-time follower of Hare Krishna and according to his will the family spilled his ashes to the Ganges.

40 . Among such a large population, only 3% of people pay income tax. This is due to the fact that more than 2/3 of the population lives in rural areas and farmers are exempt from this tax. Workers in urban areas mostly work in the dark.


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