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Interesting facts about India.

Interesting facts about India. Country india. Ancient india-interesting facts.

There are so many corners on our planet that even the most captivated person will not be indifferent. In this article, we will look at the oldest civilization that has preserved its current culture. She is surprised, amazes us with our contrast, worldview. This wonderful country is India.

Amazing country

In the modern world you can find almost all the information of interest, including interesting facts about India. You can read as many books as you like or watch movies and videos about her, but you will still know very little about this condition. India is the only country on earth that hasn't ceased its religious and cultural traditions since long ago. All the great civilizations of ancient India-the Sumerians, the Egyptians, the Celtic, the ancient Romans and others-were born and sunk in oblivion, while the Indians survived to this day. The country is amazing and noticeable every turn, so you do not need to find interesting facts about India. Often you feel that an unknown force abandoned you in a parallel world or at another time. The country has preserved mysterious sects with strange religious rituals such as modern people, Buddhist monasteries, ancient temples, beautiful landscapes and unique lifestyles. Every educated person on our planet knows that the ancient Indian language, Sanskrit, is preserved here. Even unrepresented representatives of our society have heard of the existence of the Kama Sutra teaching. (Although many of them do not understand the philosophical core of this doctrine).

Control country

The country absorbed jungles and deserts, plains and mountains, palaces of Maharajas and reeds, respectable businessmen and poor beggars, red light districts and cruel puritans, national structures and caste systems. Here it is-India. Interesting facts about the country of yoga can be collected for a lifetime, but still this will not end. Mysterious Tibet, majestic Himalayan mountains, rainforest, sacred Ganges river, many beach resorts, ancient monuments and museums-all this is India's pride.

Ancient India: interesting facts
Studying the history of this country will reveal many amazing facts about the scientific and cultural achievements of ancient Indian inhabitants. Consider some of them.

1. The city of Takshashil established the first university on earth. This happened in 700 BC. Here over 10,000 students studied more than 60 subjects. And AD 4th century e. Universities in other fields were founded in the city of Nalanda, one of the country's greatest achievements in the field of education.

2. Listing interesting facts about India, you can not help mention Ayurveda, the first medical school known to man. It was created about 2500 years ago and is the father of medicine Charak. There were complex operations, caesarean section, prosthesis, cataract removal, removal of stones from the urinary system, and even brain surgery.

3. In the 5th century AD, the scientist Brasharacharya calculated the time that our planet passes around the sun.

4. Another Indian scholar, Budhayana, calculated pi for the first time in the sixth century (much older than Arab and European mathematicians). In addition, he presented advanced options for actions known today as the Pythagorean theorem. In India, science, algebra, such as trigonometry, was invented. This is where the basic concepts of costing, quadratic equations, and so on. Scientists in this country even invented the largest unit of time called calpa, which described the gap from the birth of the universe to destruction (about 25 billion years).

The tragedy of this country.

These exciting facts about India today, which, as a rule, can be understood, are silent because it is necessary to explain what kind of "culture" Europe has not passed on to the "wild" race of this country. Why not just the British, like the barbarians, destroyed millions of Indians, plundered the country's national wealth, and brought out many cultural and historical values? In fact, when the university was active here, scientists were working in capital letters, the most complex medical activities were carried out, and the future British were sleeping in pig barns. After all, you will have to realize that it is a barbarian plunder of India and recognize the true cause of modern military clashes. NATO missiles, poppy fields, plunder of natural resources and other attractions of democracy bring better life to civilians.

But back to this beautiful country, sadly enough.

India: interesting facts for children

For young readers we highlight some interesting facts. More than five thousand years ago, the teaching of yoga was born in this country. All children and adults who visit India can see with their own eyes whether these people walk on broken glass and sleep on their nails. If you are lucky, you can see examples of injuries from ancient masters.

And who of the children is not familiar with the main character of the cartoon "Mowgli"? But the story portrayed by Kipling has true roots. Similar cases in which wild animals raise human children are known throughout life.

In the eyes of the traveler

India is a very kind country. The most personal and peace loving people on earth live here. And this is a fact, another interesting fact is saying about it. In the last 10,000 years, the inhabitants of this country have not invaded the territory of other states. And Mother Teresa (Holy Kolkata) and Mahatma Gandhi are the greatest apostles of the 20th century.

We keep collecting interesting facts about this country.

1. India is the birthplace of popular chess games today. Previously called "Chaturanga", translated from Sanskrit. "Four kinds of troops" means once an infantry, chariot, cavalry and war elephant.

2. Modern India ranks 7th in the world. Three times smaller than the United States, but at the same time the world's second largest population-1.07 billion people.

3. This country has more post offices than other countries. The largest employer in India is the Indian Railways. We provide jobs for over a million people.

4. By 1896, India was the world's exclusive company in diamond mining. And this country was one of the richest countries (until the British colony until the early 17th century).

5. In this country, the main religion is Hindu, and the second is Islam. There are more than 300,000 existing temples in India, more than any other country.

6.Citizens of this country are called Indians, not all Indians, as many believe. The latter term refers to those who practice Hinduism. Therefore, citizens of other countries, such as Nepal, who practice this religion can also be Hindu.

Sacred trash
With the amazing facts listed above, India is a big pile of rubbish. Here you can combine the ancient ruins with a pile of fetish rubbish. Also in the sacred Himalayan mountains for Indians at an altitude of 3000 m above sea level, there are often piles of perennial garbage. Residents of this country simply throw away trash. Sturdy, aggressive carpets cover the mountain slopes. Nobody cares.

In summary, it should be noted that, despite the fact that many inhabitants on earth know this big state, which ranks second in the world in terms of population, modern young people have a very vague idea of ​​where India is located. The world map will help eliminate these knowledge gaps. The country borders Pakistan, Tajikistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar. India is washed by the Indian Ocean.


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