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[ LIVE ] Coronavirus Pandemic: Real Time Counter World Map, News

   Support the stream:  I hope this live stream serves as useful information. Please keep track of the numbers that impact you and help guide the decisions you need to make. Thank you for your support, encouragement, viewership and please take care. Keep up your immunity and defenses by getting plenty of rest and eating well to maintain your resiliency. For those who are affected by this unfortunate outbreak, please keep them in your thoughts. Video Reference

Coronavirus (COVID-19): How Google is helping ?

GOOGLE COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENTS Coronavirus: How we’re helping        कोरोनावायरस: हम कैसे मदद कर रहे हैं Sundar Pichai CEO of Google and Alphabet नोट: निम्नलिखित कर्मचारियों को एक ईमेल पर आधारित है जिसे सुंदर ने आज भेजा था। इस पोस्ट को स्पेनिश में यहाँ पढ़ें ।   जैसा कि COVID-19 दुनिया भर में अपना रास्ता बनाता है, यह विभिन्न तरीकों से हमारे समुदायों को प्रभावित करता है। यूरोप और अमेरिका में कई लोग अब अनुभव करने लगे हैं कि एशिया में लोग हफ्तों से क्या कर रहे हैं। हमने विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन के साथ तालमेल रखने के लिए एक 24 घंटे की घटना प्रतिक्रिया टीम की स्थापना की है, और Google के नेता विश्व स्तर पर हमारे कार्यालयों के बारे में महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय लेने के लिए दैनिक बैठक कर रहे हैं।  Helping people find useful  information ( लोगों को उपयोगी जानकारी खोजने में मदद करना ) टीके की जानकारी , यात्रा संबंधी सलाह और बचाव के नुस्खे (उदाहरण के लिए, फरवरी के पहले सप्ताह से, वैश्विक स्तर पर कोरोनवायरस में खोज में वृद्धि हुई है...

First death due to coronavirus infection in Uttar Pradesh

First death from corona in UP: a 'mistake' of relatives threatened by hundreds, quarantine to relatives First death from Covid-19 in Uttar Pradesh: The patient's family did not give details of his visit. The investigation has caused a panic after being infected with a coronavirus. Doctors, including those who came in contact with the patient, have been quarantined. First death due to coronavirus infection in Uttar Pradesh Coronavirus (Coronavirus) is wreaking havoc all over the country. Meanwhile, the first death reported from Corona in Uttar Pradesh. A patient admitted to BRD Medical College in Gorakhpur died on Monday. His investigation report has come positive. Doctors claim that the patient's family did not give details of his visit. The investigation has caused a panic after being infected with a coronavirus. The police has sealed the area where the deceased lived. There itself Others, including relatives who came in contact with the deceased, ha...

मध्य प्रदेश में 8 नए कोरोनोवायरस मामले; अब 47 पर कुल

मध्य प्रदेश में 8 नए कोरोनोवायरस मामले; अब 47 पर कुल इंदौर, मध्य प्रदेश में कोरोना महामारी के हॉटस्पॉट ने सोमवार को आठ समाचार मामलों की रिपोर्ट दी, जिसमें शहर में संक्रमितों की संख्या 33 हो गई। शनिवार से कर्फ्यू सख्त होने के बावजूद, इंदौर राज्य के 85% से अधिक के लिए जिम्मेदार है। तीन मौतों के साथ कोरोना पॉजिटिव केस। इंदौर के मुख्य चिकित्सा अधिकारी डॉ। प्रवीण जटिया ने कहा कि 371 संदिग्ध रोगियों के नमूने लिए गए और उनमें से 184 को नकारात्मक पाया गया। इंदौर प्रशासन एक अभूतपूर्व पैमाने पर महामारी का मुकाबला करने की कोशिश कर रहा है। यहां तक ​​कि दूध, सब्जियों और दवाओं जैसे आवश्यक वस्तुओं की आपूर्ति पूरी तरह से निलंबित है। इसकी सीमाओं को सील कर दिया गया है। इलाज करा रहे 47 संक्रमित मरीजों में से 33 इंदौर के, जबलपुर के आठ, ग्वालियर के तीन, शिवपुरी के दो हैं।

Can I get a new coronavirus infection (covid-19) through sex? ( People searching wired questions on Internet)

Lovers on the bed Can I get a new coronavirus infection (covid-19) through sex? It  may be a question that you have been curious about but are embarrassed to ask. Emergency room specialist Alex George and sex reporter Alex Fox have compiled answers to frequently asked questions about having sex with Corona 19.  How long is the coronavirus alive on the surface of the object Is it safe to use public transportation? How does Corona 19 end and how can we get back to normal?  copyrightPAUL COCHRANE / JESSIE WHEALEY Alex George and reporter Alex Fox explained about safe Corona19 sexual life Image caption Doctor Alex George and reporter Alex Fox explained about safe Corona19 sexual life Is it safe to have sex?

( FAKE NEWS ) India's 'Festival of colours' Holi 'Hot' on Controversial Sexual Violence

Fake news by , According to the British BBC and Hindu on India, protesters protested sexual violence during the Holi Festival, with many girls attending around the University of Delhi and the Delhi Police Station, one day before Holi. Many of the Indians enjoyed the festival by throwing color powder and coloring each other during the Holi Festival which originated from the myth that Hindu god Krishna painted the face of his lover Radha Recently, shooting water guns or throwing water balloons is common. In the past, Holi had been somewhat tolerant of throwing colored sand or water balloons at strangers on the streets, but the students argued that sexual violence against women's bodies without their consent was justified as an excuse for the festival. . Furthermore, some female students claimed to have been hit by a water balloon with a mixture of some semen. One female student told the BBC, "You shouldn't ask someone you don't agree and th...

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Simply not more than 5 steps !!  And boom to go  OLA Steps : 1.  Download the ola partner app from the link given below. ( Click on image to download the app ) 2. Install the app. 3. Open the app . 4.  Update the app ( if needed)  5. Scan the QR code of mobile mode from your car Device. And boom to go the app in your mobile phone.

India trivia

Interesting facts about India India trivia - read what this country is famous for, why not eat with your left hand and what you can buy with a 0 rupee note. 1. The capital of India since August 15, 1947 is 22 million inhabitants (the entire agglomeration) New Delhi. Until that day, India was subject to Great Britain, and the capital was in Calcutta. However, Mumbai is the largest Indian city. 2. According to data for 2017, the country has 1,326,572,000 people. Such a result places this country in second place in terms of population and is second only to the Chinese. 368 people live on one square meter in India. 3. In terms of area, the country is ten times larger than Poland. 4. The mainstream religion is Hinduism professed by nearly 78% of the population. 5. The Indian flag called Tiranga consists of three horizontal stripes: saffron, white and green. In turn, they symbolize courage and sacrifice; truth and peace; religiosity, fertility and chivalry. There is also a ...

How can some people in Canada miss gravity?

Gravity in the surrounding areas, including the Hudson Bay area and Quebec, is lower than in other areas. For more than four decades, scientists have tried to identify the causes of much of Canada's “missing” gravity, especially the Hudson Bay area. In other words, the gravity in the Hudson Bay region and surrounding areas is lower than in other parts of the world, a phenomenon first discovered in the 1960s when the Earth's gravitational field is charted. Two theories have been proposed to explain this theory. But before we review them, it's important to first consider what creates gravity. At the base level, gravity is proportional to mass. So, if the mass of a certain area somehow becomes smaller, then gravity becomes smaller. Gravity can vary in different parts of the earth. We usually think of it as a ball, but the earth actually expands at the equator and becomes flat on the pole due to rotation. The mass of the earth does not spread proportionally, it can ch...